
Misconceptions About Hospice Care Facilities

misconceptions about hospice care

Choosing hospice care for yourself or a loved one can be a harrowing decision. It is therefore important to have the best possible information upon which to base a decision. Unfortunately, there are a number of misconceptions about hospice care that can hinder individuals who are trying to make the best decision for themselves and their loved ones. In order to ensure that patients and their families have the most accurate information, we have provided comprehensive clarification for the most common misconceptions about hospice care facilities.

Choosing Hospice is Giving Up

Making the choice to move to hospice care means that rather than focusing energy on curing their disease, patients can focus on rebuilding and enhancing their relationships with friends and family. When a cure is no longer an option, hospice care is a way to redirect the patient’s focus from illness to the things they love and enjoy most, so that they can gain peace and comfort.

Patients Cannot Discontinue Hospice Care Once Started

It is important that patients and their loved ones understand that they are not required to remain in hospice care indefinitely. Patients are free to leave hospice care at any time, and may reapply for entry back into hospice care. As long as they meet the requirements for hospice care upon reapplication, there are no limitations that prevent a patient from returning into hospice care at a later time.

Hospice is Where People go to Die

Contrary to common belief, hospice is not where people go to die. It is where patients who have been exposed to frequent hospital visits, treatments, chemotherapy, dialysis, and any number of other invasive and tiring procedures can go to refocus on their life. The goal of hospice care is to allow the patient to get back in touch with the aspects of life they love. Hospice is a way to reframe the patient’s life in a way that augments their contentment and joy in everything they care about most.

Patients Suffer in Hospice Care

hospice careThe purpose of hospice care is the opposite of suffering. Hospice care is dedicated to easing the pain and suffering of patients, so that they can enjoy their lives to the fullest extent. With quality pain and symptom management, patients and their families can take pleasure from their time together without discomfort on the part of the patient. The goal of hospice care is to ensure that patients do not have to endure pain or uncomfortable physical symptoms during their time in hospice.

Hospice Must Be Recommended by A Doctor

Although it is good to have the patient’s regular doctor on board, it is not necessary for them to recommend hospice care. The decision to enter into hospice care is that of the patient and their loved ones. Although the doctor may make recommendations, they cannot prevent a patient from choosing to go into hospice care, should they choose to do so.

Patients Can’t See Their Doctor if They Are in Hospice

Along with the misconception that doctors must recommend hospice, there is a myth that once a patient has chosen hospice care, they can no longer continue seeing their regular doctor. On the contrary, hospice care is palliative, which focuses on the comfort of the patient through the assessment and treatment of pain and physical ailments that compromise the patient’s quality of life. Patients are welcome and even encouraged to continue communication with their doctor throughout their time in hospice care.

Hospice Care is Only for Cancer Patients

There is no one parameter that defines patients in hospice care, and that includes illnesses and levels of care. Approximately half of all patients in hospice care are cancer patients. The other half consist of patients with a wide range of conditions, including physical ailments such as kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease, and heart disease, as well as mental illnesses such dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Hospice care offers a wide range of palliative care for patients with different needs and levels of care, so that patients and their loved ones know that they are receiving the best possible palliative care.

Hospice Care is Expensive

It is widely believed that hospice care is too expensive for patients who are financially challenged. In fact, most patients in hospice care do not have to pay for it. The Medicare Hospice Benefit is widely available to patients who qualify for Medicare, which applies to the majority of patients in hospice care. Alternatively, private insurance companies will often cover the cost of hospice care for individuals with a medical insurance policy. For patients who do not have Medicare or private health coverage, there are numerous charities available to assist with payment for hospice care.

Hospice Care is Only for the Patient

Although hospice care is certainly available to assist a patient with palliative care, the care afforded by hospice providers extends to support loved ones and family members. Transition from active treatment to palliative care can be a confusing and emotional process for patients and their loved ones alike, which is why counselors and chaplains are available for emotional and spiritual support.

All Hospice Care Facilities are the Same

Although all hospice care facilities must meet specific legal requirements and standards in order to operate, each facility operates differently within these parameters. In addition to providing quality palliative care and support, each hospice care facility offers a different cultural and organizational structure. With the large number of hospice care organizations available, there are a wide variety of facilities to meet the needs of every patient. It can take some time for a patient to become comfortable with a hospice care provider, so patients and loved ones should feel comfortable looking at multiple facilities and organizations to find the best one for them.

Choosing the Best Hospice Care Facility

Armed with this information, patients and their family and friends can feel confident that they are choosing the ideal hospice care facility to meet their needs. For information on hospice care facilities in Orange County, California, contact Graceland Hospice Care. We are committed to upholding the highest standards in hospice care, through compassionate medical care, pain management, and customized emotional and spiritual support.